Filmed From (and Behind) the Shoulders of Giants: Revisiting 2016’s The BFG (Spoilers Ahead)

Among director Steven Spielberg’s trademarks, as we’ve come to understand over the past fortnight, are the Spielberg face, circular-ly enclosed objects of focus and over-the-shoulder cinematography. While the title gives that last one, and the preponderance thereof in director Spielberg’s 2016 feature film, The BFG, away, it is justified to acknowledge that, among other trademarks, in The…

‘He’s a Man From Outer Space and We’re Taking Him To His Spaceship!’: Looking Back on 1982’s E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (Spoilers Ahead)

Echoing our previous reviews of the likes of Jaws (spoilers ahead) and Close Encounters of the Third Kind (spoilers ahead), director Steven Spielberg’s 1982 feature film – don’t worry, we’re saving a dedicated week for the likes of Indiana Jones – E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial is, in a title-justifying sort of way, makes its plot implied from the get-go all the way…

It Helps, It Definitely Helps: Our Review of The B.F.G. (Spoilers Ahead)

(Whilst approaching a grandfather clock) ‘It was the Witching Hour, when the Boogeyman comes out… when people go missing. The girls say the Witching Hour arrives at midnight. I think it comes at three in the morning, when I’m the only one awake. Like always. Like now.’ – Sophie in the opening scenes of director Steven Spielberg’s The…